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2. Bibliografía

  • Cornwall, J. R., Vang, D. O., & Hartman, J. M. (2020). Entrepreneurial Financial Management. An Applied Approach. Nueva York: Routledge.
  • Eurostat (2022). Business Demographic Statistics. Disponible en:
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  • Hulme, S., & Drew, C. (2020). Entrepreneurial Finance. Bloomsbury Academic.  Disponible en: vbk://9781352009828.
  • Kiyosaki, R. T. (2017). Padre rico, padre pobre. Barcelona: Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial.
  • Manigart, S., & Meuleman, M. (2018). Preparing the financial plan: forecasting. En L. Alemany, & J. J. Andreoli (Eds.): Entrepreneurial Finance: The Art and Science of Growing Ventures. Nueva York: Cambridge University Press.
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  • Manzanera, A. (2015). Finanzas para emprendedores. Barcelona: Deusto.
  • Mullins, J. (2014). The customer-funded business: Start, finance, or grow your company with your customers' cash. Nueva Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Rodríguez Ariza, L., López Pérez, M. V., & Pérez López, M. C. (2022). Introducción a la Contabilidad. Granada: Editorial Técnica Avicam.
  • Rogers, S. (2020). Entrepreneurial Finance. Finance and Business Strategies for the Serious Entrepreneur. Nueva York: McGraw Hill.
  • Startup Genome (2022). The Global Startup Ecosystem Report 2022. Disponible en:

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